The William W. Nuernberger Educational Center was a complete renovation along with additions to an underutilized facility. The entire building was extensively gutted and upgraded to modern standards.
The 20,000 SF renovations consisted of modifying the floor plan to create 11 classrooms, a commons area, kitchen and staff offices. Wood trusses were added to create a sloped, shingled roof over the classroom wings. A geothermal well system was installed and heat pumps were utilized throughout the building. The electrical and plumbing systems were also completely redone. A state of the art intercom and audio system is installed throughout, as well as connections for smart-boards in all the classrooms.
The 13,000 SF additions included four sets of restrooms, a gymnasium, mechanical room mezzanine, three classrooms and staff offices. The additions were comprised of a combination of CMU and metal stud walls. These addition areas around the existing building had to be over-excavated and suitable soils brought in and compacted before foundation work could begin. Brick on the exterior of the additions was made to match the original building. The school’s main corridor structure was raised about 15’ and towers were built at the north and south main entrances, creating a more open environment. All exterior paving is new on the site and a 2nd drive was created off 40th street to provide an efficient loop road around the building.