Situated between Harris Overpass and an LES electrical substation in Lincoln, Nebraska, the Sampson team constructed a five level parking garage within a thirteen month schedule. The 164,000 SF cast-in-place, post-tensioned concrete structure has a capacity of 509 stalls in the garage and 25 surface lot stalls. The facility includes a storage room, electrical and mechanical rooms and a public restroom. Two elevators are located within the precast concrete stair towers with storefront and curtainwall features.
Located in the Haymarket District, the parking garage serves the surrounding businesses as well as event parking for area activities. The exterior of the garage emulates many of the architectural features of the historic Haymarket District through the use of precast concrete spandrel pieces and façade, precast concrete features with thin brick and wood pattern form liners, metal panel accents and security panels. One unique feature is the use of a “green wall” that utilizes planters mounted to the building exterior such that plants are allowed to drape over the side of the building.